"Quietly and gradually—under the radar, as it were—a new class of great companies has been forming.”

– Bo Buringham, author of Small Giants


FastReads is a small book publishing company focused on high-quality summaries of popular non-fiction books.

Here at FastReads we know that in today’s demanding world, you can’t always find the time to read everything you want.

That’s where we come in.

While CliffNotes and SparkNotes provide valuable summaries of the classics in academia to help the knowledge sink in…why shouldn’t modern readers have access to summaries of popular books as well?

Modern technology provides a platform for independent publishers to reach readers like never before—and so the idea for FastReads was born. Our main mission is to deliver concise, valuable content to busy individuals just like you.

We’re not trying to be the next Facebook, we’re not looking for an “exit,” and we’re not looking to go public. FastReads is a traditional brick and mortar business—we just play in the online space. We are a classic example of small business, which is the lifeblood of our economy.

In Small Giants, Bo Buringham suggests that big is not necessarily better. He refers to successful small businesses as “…an emerging force in American business. Quietly and gradually—under the radar, as it were—a new class of great companies has been forming.”

This is what FastReads aspires to: great products…great people…your traditional American small business. And our business is centered on making knowledge more affordable and accessible for everyone.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu